Note : Please note that any changes made to the original source code will be lost after updating to the latest versions.
- Languages :
Navigate to the
Admin Panel->Languages
There you will find an "English" language, which was set as the default for the application.
To create a new language please follow the below steps:
In the top right corner, you'll find a button called "Add Languages." If you click on that button, you will be redirected to the "Add Language" page. There you will find a total of three input fields and two toggle switches.
The first input field is for "Display Translation Name," where you need to type that language in its native form. For example, if your language is Arabic, then you need to type in the input field as عربى to display in the header section at right.
The second input field is for "Translation Name," where you need to type that language in English form. That makes it easy to identify the exact language.
One of the toggle switches is to set the language as the default language, and another toggle switch is to enable RTL(Right-To-Left). After adding all the required data, click on the "Save" button to save your language.
Now that will redirect you back to the "Language List" page, where you can see the language that was just added. Now you are good to go with the language translation by clicking on the "Translation" button on the action column.
Before making any language translations please make the following changes to your server:
- For cPanel Users: Use the " MultiPHP INI Editor " under Software section in cPanel to set max_input_vars = 5000 for your domain.
- For Localhost Users: Edit the "php.ini" file on your local server and set max_input_vars = 5000, then restart the server.
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