UHelp-Support Ticketing System

Application Update Guide
  • Update Application:
    1. Log into your cPanel server and navigate to the root directory File Manager->public_html, where your old application (Project) files are uploaded.
    2. First take a backup of your old application (project) and the database (Mandatory).
    3. To update the older version of the application, first download the latest version of the application (Project) from CodeCanyon.
    4. Now delete all files and folders excluding "public" folder, "storage" folder & ".env" file. Do not delete the specified folders & file.
    5. Now upload the latest version of application (Project) (.zip folder) to the root directory “public_html” where your old application (Project) files are stored.
    6. Now, extract the .zip folder that you have uploaded into the root directory and paste all the files & folders except the "public" folder, "storage" folder, and ".env" file.
    7. After replacing your new project, open the public folder and replace the assets folder tooreplace all the folders and file except the "media", "storage" and "uploads" directories.
    8. Now in your application (project) files, go to Bootstrap, right-click on the "cache" folder, and again click on the "Change Permissions" so that it will redirect you to the "Change Permissions" page. Now check the check in the middle which is the 5th one.
    9. Now, after successfully replacing the old project with the new project, you need to open any page of the application and reload the page. This would take you to the update page.
    10. There you need to enter your name, email id and purchase code in order to update your application.
    11. If everything goes well, that means you have successfully updated the application.
  • Note: Please make sure that you have an active cronjob running in the application. If not then please setup cronjob first and start the update process.