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Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Recent Tickets
This "Recent Tickets" page displays only new tickets. The tickets which are created by customers, superadmin, employees, or guest users that are not yet replied by admin panel users.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Total Tickets
In this "Total-Tickets" page, the total tickets with different types of status like New, Inprogress, On-hold, Overdue, Reopen, Closed, and Assigned tickets are displayed in this page.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Active Tickets
In this "Active Tickets" page, only "In-progress Tickets," "On-Hold," and "Re-Open Tickets" are displayed.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Closed Tickets
In this "Closed Tickets" page, all globally closed tickets are displayed. Those are the tickets that are closed by employees or customers.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->On-Hold Tickets
All globally on-hold tickets are displayed in this "On-Hold Tickets" page. Those are the tickets that are kept on-hold by employees or superadmin.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Overdue Tickets
In this page, globally "overdue tickets" are displayed. If the users of an admin panel don’t give a reply to the customer within the mentioned days in the "Ticket Settings," the ticket status changes to "overdue."
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Assigned Tickets
In this "assigned ticket" page, only those tickets are displayed that are assigned by the superadmin to employees or tickets assigned by employee’s themselves.
Admin Panel->Global Tickets->Suspended Tickets
In this "Suspended Tickets" page, all globally suspended tickets are displayed. Those are the tickets that are suspended by employees or superadmin.