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UHelp Angular Support Ticketing System

Self Tickets
  1. Self Assigned Tickets
  2. My Assigned Ticket
  3. Closed Tickets
  4. Suspend Tickets
  1. Self Assigned Tickets : Navigate to the Admin Panel->Self Tickets->Self Assigned Tickets In this "Self Assigned Tickets" page, only those tickets are displayed that are self assigned by themselves.
  2. My Assigned Ticket : Navigate to the Admin Panel->Self Tickets->My Assigned Ticket In this "My Assigned Ticket" page, only those tickets are displayed that are assigned by other users of admin panel to you.
  3. Closed Tickets : Navigate to the Admin Panel->Self Tickets->Closed Tickets In this "Closed Tickets" page, the tickets that are closed by them are displayed here.
  4. Suspended Tickets : Navigate to the Admin Panel->Self Tickets->Suspended Tickets In this "Suspended Tickets" page, only tickets that have been suspended by them are displayed here.