UHelp-Support Ticketing System

  • Cron Jobs : You must run the cron command on the cPanel server to make all automatic functions, such as "Auto-Close Ticket," "Auto Notification Delete," "Auto Overdue," "Auto Response," and "Email to Ticket."

    Example :To run the cron command on your server, login to your cPanel server, scroll down and navigate to Advanced->Cron Job, and go to "Add New Cron Job" and select the "Once Per Minute (*****)" option from the "Common Settings" dropdown, and type the below command in the "Command" input field, and click on the "Add New Cron Job" button. If the process is done in the correct way, then you’ll get a message that says "cPanel successfully added the cron job".

    Example Command: cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

    NoteAutomatic functions of the application will not work unless you run the above cron command on your server.

    Please follow this guide, or for reference video click here