UHelp-Support Ticketing System With Live Chat.

UHelp Application Main Features

UHelp application offers main features such as ticket management, canned responses, automation, reporting, and customization options to improve helpdesk efficiency and customer experience.


Live Chat


Bot Response



Domain Transfer

Storj - Cloud Storage

S3 - Cloud Storage


Security Controls

Ticket Draft

Email To Ticket


Two Factor Authentication

Read Receipts

Role Management

Automation Functions

Force SSL

Custom Notifications



Guest Ticket

Custom Fields

Media Support

Theme Settings

our Hightlights

UHelp Application Highlights

UHelp is a user-friendly ticketing system that streamlines communication and collaboration among agents, enabling efficient customer support.

Email To Ticket

The Email To Ticket feature in UHelp helpdesk allows customers to submit tickets by sending an email to the designated support email address. Additionally, customers can also attach files to their email, which will be automatically added as attachments to the ticket created. This feature saves time and effort for both the customer and the support team, as it eliminates the need to log in to the application to create a ticket and manually attach files.

Live Chat

The UHelp Helpdesk provides users with the ability to add and use multiple languages, making it easier to switch between them as needed. The application's interface can be translated into different languages using the built-in language translations page, enabling non-English speaking customers to access the platform and allowing companies to expand their reach to a global audience.

Agent Rating

A rating system is a method of evaluating the quality, performance, or effectiveness of a product or service based on certain criteria. It can take many forms, such as customer reviews, star ratings. Rating systems are helpful for providing feedback and guiding purchasing decisions, but can also be subjective and influenced by individual opinions and biases.


UHelp also features departments, categories, and sub-categories, providing businesses with a structured and organized way to manage customer inquiries. Additionally, it includes a knowledge base and FAQs section, helping customers find answers to common questions without having to submit a ticket.

Business Hours

Business hours are essential for Uhelp helpdesk operations, as they are the time during which a helpdesk is available to receive and respond to customer inquiries or support requests. Customers may have different support needs, so it is important to define business hours that align with their requirements. It is also important to communicate any changes in business hours or service levels to customers so that they are aware of what to expect.

Automation Functions

The UHelp application offers several automated features that reduce the amount of time users spend on repetitive tasks. These include Auto-Ticket-Close, Auto-Notification-Delete, Auto-delete-Trashed-Ticket, Auto-overdue-ticket, inactive Customers and guests auto-delete, and Email-to-ticket.

Live Chat Features

UHelp Application Live Chat Highlights

UHelp is a user-friendly ticketing system that streamlines communication and collaboration among agents, enabling efficient customer support.

Live Chat Features

Live Chat Specific Features

  • Real-Time Customer Engagement

  • Instant Support with Live Chat

  • Seamless Live Chat Integration

  • 24/7 Customer Assistance

  • Boost Customer Satisfaction with Live Chat

  • Interactive Live Chat Solutions

Live Chat Screenshots

Live Chat Specific Screenshots

Check out the latest screenshots for Live Chat in our Uhelp Application.

Uhelp Application Technologies.

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Pre-Sales Chat

Live Chat

Support Help Desk

What they say

Our User Kind Words

Simplifying Ticketing Management for Seamless Customer Support

Customer Support

Great script and amazing support!! ♥

3 months ago
Design Quality

Quality code. It works.

4 months ago
Design Quality


4 months ago
Design Quality

Fast and efficient support. Exceptional code.

9 months ago
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Check Out Our UHelp Application

Experience seamless features support application with our Helpdesk. All essential features available in this help desk software.
